Training Course in Simulink Standard ISO 26262

This self-paced video training provides a faster and more flexible way to learn the ISO 26262 compliant processes and standards for Model-Based Design. The course is intended for advanced Simulink users, function developers and safety managers who already work with Simulink and want to develop automotive applications based on ISO 26262 safety standard. Please consider our MATLAB and Simulink trainings to refresh your modelling skills. Basic knowledge of C programming language and ISO 26262 standard are recommended. In this training the practical workflows of ISO 26262 are mapped to the qualified Simulink toolchain. Model-Based Design and essential requirements of ISO 26262 are presented in a didactically structured way. The trainee gains the related expertise naturally while viewing the instructions.

ST 1: Introduction to Processes and Standards (20:02)

  • System Engineering Problems and Solutions
  • Introduction to Production Software Development
  • Software Development Processes and Standards
  • Prerequisites and Required Work Products
  • Scope of Model-Based Design

Who is the Simulink trainer?

My name is Evgeni Verbitski. I'm from White Russia. I've been studying at the linguistic university. I'm a translator and interpreter. That's what I've been doing for a long run. And then I went to Germany and I've been studying engineering at the University of Wuppertal. So, the controls and electronics and all that stuff. Then I went to Delphi Automotive Company and I've been working with MATLAB and other tools on testing of cars, developing of embedded software and stuff like that. And then MathWorks invited me to come over to Aachen to work as a trainer for MATLAB & Simulink and all the supportive tools. And then I went to Munich and I've been consulting and doing the Application Engineering. In the jargon of MathWorks Application Engineering is something like consulting, explaining, training on a job, stuff like this.

What are the engineering problems today?

Then back in 2011 I founded my own company. And I called it TechCoaching, because I'm coaching on technology. And it's called TechCoaching GmbH. So, I'm working from Munich in different cities for different companies. And most of all those are automotive companies. There are suppliers and the OEMs. Do you know what OEM is? Alright, OEM is the Original Equipment Manufacturer. It's like BMW, Audi, Volkswagen. And there are suppliers. We call them TIER-1 suppliers. Those who are actually developing all that stuff. Okay. So, I've been working for both types of companies. And the problem with that working with different companies is that the people (the engineers) cannot develop a totally new technology because it's not compatible. They want to have a standard. And working on a standard is a very important thing because if you're working in this company for two years you probably cover just two thirds of a project length. It means you did start the project but you never end it and somebody else will come and end that project. So, if you leave the project at that point, you probably take a lot of know-how with you. So, it's a big dilemma. It's a big problem in the industry…

Please note: this is a short transcript of the training video above.

ST 2: Modeling and Tool Application Guidelines (19:24)

  • Modeling & Tool Application Guidelines
  • Overview of Available Guidelines
  • Automation of Guideline Checking
  • Model Inspection and Documentation
  • Project Specific Guidelines
  • Developing Custom Model Checks

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ST 3: Test and Verification Workflow (21:02)

  • Design Verifier for Test Generation
  • Measuring Structural Model Coverage
  • Introduction to Regression Testing
  • Requirements-Based Testing with EverTest
  • Step-by-Step Debugging in Simulink
  • Test Summary and Reporting

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ST 4a: Configuration Management (22:37)

  • Motivation for Configuration Management
  • Understanding Model Dependencies
  • Managing Simulink Environment
  • Version Control with Simulink

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ST 4b: Configuration Management (27:36)

  • Defining the Model Structure
  • Data Access and Visibility
  • Separating Data from Algorithms
  • Manage Model Configuration
  • Managing Signals and Parameters

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ST 5: Software Architectural Design (36:37)

  • Introduction to AUTOSAR Development
  • Ports, Internal Behavior and Runnables
  • Software Unit Identification
  • Subsystems, Libraries, References
  • Tracing Data and Control Flow
  • Documentation of Architecture

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ST 6: Software Unit Design and Implementation (27:41)

  • Developing Requirements
  • From Unit Design to Implementation
  • Requirements Coverage and Traceability
  • Scheduling Modes, Explicit Rate Control
  • Static Verification Techniques

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