EverBits EverCheck and EverTest for Simulink

We are EverBits® - maker of EverCheck® and EverTest® - the verification tools for Simulink® and Stateflow®. We enable function developers to leverage advantages of Model-Based Design. With our tools static and dynamic verification of models and integrated C code becomes a pleasure.


EverCheck is a qualifiable tool for static model analysis and correction of Simulink, Stateflow and TargetLink models and libraries. EverCheck provides all you need to check your models, including modelling quidelines, design fixes, exclusion handling, verification reports, and just enough process to help you deliver safety compliant models.

EverCheck has been certified for static model verification within a qualified development environment under IEC 61508 and ISO 26262.

EverCheck Features

  • ISO 26262 Qualifikation Kit
  • Safety Manual (TCL3)
  • Graphical User Interface
  • Safety Modeling Guidelines
  • Compliance Checking API
  • Automated Model Correction
  • Exclusion Handling API
  • Verification Reporting
  • Interactive Model Web View
  • Custom Check Integration

Basic System Requirements:

  • Windows® 10 or later;
  • MATLAB® R2018b or later.

Pricing and Licensing:

  • Individual annual license;
  • Individual perpetual license;
  • Network named user license;
  • Network concurrent license.

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EverTest is a qualifiable tool for dynamic model verification of Simulink, Stateflow and TargetLink models and libraries. EverTest software enables test-driven design and supports software-in-the-loop (SIL) and processor-in-the-loop (PIL) verification with manually developed or automatically generated external code. EverTest supports the creation, management, execution, assessment and documentation of simulation-based tests in a systematic manner.

EverTest enables requirements-based, equivalence, and back-to-back testing. You can generate verification reports, archive and review test results, rerun failed tests, and analyze the data- and control-flows in the models with an integrated step-by-step debugger. EverTest has been certified for dynamic model verification within a qualified development environment under IEC 61508 and ISO 26262.

EverTest Features

  • ISO 26262 Qualifikation
  • Safety Manual (TCL 3)
  • Graphical User Interface
  • Compliance Testing API
  • Generation of Test Harness
  • Pass-Fail Criteria Coloring
  • Simple Test Specification
  • Definition of Tolerance Values
  • Automatic Test Assessments
  • Automated Test Generation
  • Exclusion Handling API
  • Verification Reporting
  • Interactive Model Web View
  • Structural Test Coverage
  • Requirements Coverage
  • Reactive & B2B Testing (SIL)
  • Step-by-Step Debugger
  • Data & Control Flow Analysis
  • Import/Export MDF4 & MAT

Basic System Requirements:

  • Windows® 10 or later;
  • MATLAB® R2018b or later.

Pricing and Licensing:

  • Individual annual license;
  • Individual perpetual license;
  • Network named user license;
  • Network concurrent license.

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For best collaboration on a project everyone on your team shall be able to see the entire model-base at any time without any extra tools, installations and licensing issues. Furthermore, the model views shall be fast and user friendly. The models shall be displayed exactly the same way as the developers wanted the models to look like. And you shall be able to comment such model views in a distributed way and then merge all the relevant comments.

Annotations in EverView

We do not provide an extra tool for that. No. We provide an easy to use EverTest feature that generates a Simulink view - EverView® - in a single HTML file which feels exactly like your Simulink model. No extra tools, no extra installations and no extra license costs are required after EverView generation. A regular web browser is sufficient to view the models and to comment in them. Even the data plots from signal builder and look-up tables are integrated! You can now freely view, search and comment in the model hierarchy.

EverView Features

  • EverView generation is a feature of EverTest
  • The generated EverView report is free from any license dependences
  • Off-line inspections and annotations in a regular web browser
  • Graphical user experience exactly like in your Simulink or Stateflow model
  • Native navigation capability to go up and down in all subsystem and chart levels
  • Exact display of all model characteristics including types, dimensions and colors
  • Graphical display of lookup tables and test-cases in the signal builder
  • Model tree representation of the exported model hierarchically
  • Customizable restriction of exporting depth for protected model parts
  • Adding, saving and merging of custom review annotations

Basic System Requirements:

  • Open EverView in any web browser of your choice.

Pricing and Licensing:

  • No license required after EverView generation.

Live EverView Demo


This video gives detailed instructions on download, installation, licensing and activation of EverTest. Please note that the same installation workflow is applicable to the EverCheck software. Please follow the links below to download the EverCheck and EverTest software.

EverCheck EverTest


EverBits Training "MATLAB, Simulink and Stateflow for Function Development" is a 3-day online or onsite training for up to 10 people. We provide printed materials for the contents of the event. We provide EverCheck® and EverTest® software for the test-driven development and verification exercises. Please bring your working stations with valid MATLAB®, Simulink®, Stateflow® and Simulink Coverage® licenses and a legal text copy of the ISO 26262-6 standard. Contact us to get a quote on the courses: support@everbits.com.

Our world-class training is ideal for engineering organizations needing customized courses on model-based design in the functional safety context. Connect over the internet or let EverBits come to your facility. We work with individuals and entire project teams giving the participants an opportunity to get practical solutions for all relevant project-specific problems. We ensure great learning experience and high level of customer satisfaction. The course attendees receive certificates of completion after the training.

Do you want to provide flexible, scalable, and affordable training options for your workforce? No matter what time it is and where you are in the world, we offer a set of professional video trainings designed for function developers who need a quick and effective start in model-based design. Here you’ll find high-quality materials available online 24/7. The self-paced trainings include E-Mail support on the materials and are the basis for our coaching activities.


Learn MATLAB features and tools essential for Simulink and Stateflow Users. The course is intended for beginners and those who want to refresh their skills in writing automation scripts for model simulation and test. No programming experience is required.

MATLAB Training Script

We cover the following topics in this training:

  • Data Import and Visualization
  • Data Types & Data Handling
  • Scripting for Automation
  • Functions for Encapsulation
  • Advanced Programming
  • Debugging and Profiling

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Learn Stateflow for function development in production projects. The course is intended for beginners and those who want to refresh their skills. After developing flow charts and state machines you will verify them in Simulink test harness.

Stateflow Training Script

We cover the following topics in this training:

  • Flow Charts and Functions
  • Handling Interfaces and Data
  • Finite State Machines
  • State Transition Rules
  • Data, Events and Logics
  • Hierarchical State Machines

ISO 26262

Learn the ISO 26262 compliant processes for Model-Based Design. The course is intended for function developers, who already work with Simulink and want to develop automotive applications based on ISO 26262 safety standard.

ISO 26262 Training Script

We cover the following topics in this training:

  • Processes in ISO 26262
  • Modeling and Tool Guidelines
  • Configuration Management
  • Software Architectural Design
  • Unit Design & Implementation
  • Unit and Integration Testing

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Unit Testing

These short videos provide an overview of some EverTest® features to start with unit testing in Simulink®. EverTest® software was designed for easy verification at model level by providing engineers with mental aids, improved feedback and better control of system's complexity. These video training will help you to become productive and simplify your development workflow to conquer the system complexity and build the right software in the right way, faster.

Simulink Test Harness

EverTest can automatically isolate any Simulink subsystem from the remainder of the model and create a test harness which provides:

  • time sequences of input data to stimulate the unit
  • parameter values to test variants of functionality
  • expected output data for the reference behavior
  • an assessment mechanism to verify the unit behavior

How can I generate a test harness in Simulink?

With EverTest you can automatically create test-harnesses to test Simulink models, model references, subsystems or libraries. The model shall be updatable before you start.

What types of Simulink objects are supported?

Inside the Simulink subsystem, you can have other Simulink or MATLAB blocks, subsystems, state flow charts or even integrated C code.

Do I need to define interfaces by hand?

You can right-click on the subsystem, choose EverTest and Create-EverTest-Harness. EverTest automatically reads out all input-output interfaces from the Subsystem and parameters from the MATLAB-Workspace to create corresponding Source and Sink blocks around the subsystem.

Where can I specify my test-case?

The EverTest graphical user interface pops up. And the Excel file with the sample-test-specification will be generated and saved in the current MATLAB folder. Now you can double click on the sample-test-case in the EverTest-User-Interface to run it.

How can I assess my test-cases?

EverTest provides an assessment-mechanism to verify the test-unit behavior. The sample-test-case is associated with a graphical user interface.

What are the essential parts of a test-case?

The test case provides the time vector, the time sequences of input data to stimulate the unit, the parameter values to test variants of functionality, expected behavior predefined as reference values, and model outputs to compare with.

What is the assessment color scheme?

After the test run, the time-steps where reference-values and simulation outputs are equal will be green. Otherwise, the time steps and the corresponding values will be red.

How can I start test-driven development?

If you have an empty model, EverTest just creates a sample subsystem with one input, one output and one parameter to give you a quick starting point for your new development.

How can I start testing an existing subsystem?

EverTest can also automatically isolate any Simulink subsystem from the remainder of the model. This is required when testing subsystems as separate units.

How can I test a referenced model?

EverTest enables the test-harness-free verification of reference models without creating separate test-harness. Just right-click on the EverTest-Source-Block and choose the option.

Please note: this is a transcript of the training video above.

Graphical User Interface

EverTest provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to interact with the test object and the test case specification. The GUI can be accessed by double-clicking on the EverTest blocks inside the test harness model. The toolbar contains the controls for the test configuration, the test specification and the work-product management. From the toolbar you can access product help where all the features are explained in detail.

Interfacing Simulink Models

In the EverTest specification you can define which inputs, outputs and parameters will be used during simulation. The Interface specification for signals and parameters includes the following characteristics: Name, Type, Data Type, Dimension, Min, Max, Unit and Description. In the Interface sheet you can define all the interface characteristics including port order. The CleanUp-Function propagates the modifications to selected test-cases and sets the order, colors and other formal data properties for all selected test-cases.

Pass-Fail Criteria in Assessments

EverTest automates the following assessment actions for each test case:

  • The outputs are permanently stored.
  • The outputs are compared to references.
  • The comparison results are visualized.
  • All test results are summarized in a textual form.
The green color indicates a passed assessment. The light-green color means that the test case passed within tolerances. The red color is used when the output value is other than expected (failed).

Requirements-Based Testing

To support the impact analysis and assessments all requirements shall be traceable referencing to each source of the requirement, each realization in the design, and each specification of its verification. The EverTest Requirements-Traceability-Matrix provides answers to the following questions:

  • Where are the requirements implemented?
  • Where are the requirements verified?
  • What are the verification results?

Reactive Testing in Simulink

For Open-Loop testing in Simulink, the specification of each test case shall include the input data, their time sequence and their values. To model simple sequences of test steps like f.e. signal vectors, parameter settings or signal ramping, the direct test-case definition can be used. The more complicated reactive scenarious can be generated in Simulink. You can reconfigure the EverTest interface specification for Close-Loop Simulations.

Simulink Test Assessments

The direct comparison assessments can be combined with more complex assessments modelled in MATLAB, Simulink and Stateflow, which is more effective than using other external tools or programming languages. The assessment models can combine conditional comparisons of outputs, monitoring of interface ranges, analysis of state sequence order and restrictions on time behaviour. Such test assessments are particularly effective at reducing the size of test suites for very complex applications, making testing more targeted and efficient. Please open the web view of the model to inspect an example test assessment implementation. They can be verified in the same verification cycle and with the same verification tools as the test objects.

Simulink Test Report

Graphical signal representation in a test report helps reviewing the test cases. EverPlot feature allows plotting single bits of a bitfield, scalar values and vector signals. You can modify the test data by using the MATLAB notation. You also can specify the line colors, styles and markes. The related time vector, reference and tolerance values for output signals will be plotted automatically. You may use parameters, constants and MATLAB functions to draw supportive horizontal lines.

Simulink Coverage Report

EverTest provides a one-click interface to utilize Simulink Coverage software which collects structural test coverage for all executed test cases and provides reports on model and code level. The findings on the model level correlate to those in the generated C code. Both decision coverage (branch coverage) and modified condition decision coverage (MCDC) are supported. EverTest provides intrinsic exclusion handling (see grayed out block in the picture below). EverTest merges all work products to a self-contained coverage report, renames and relocates it based on project-specific settings.

Software-in-the-loop testing in Simulink

Ever-Test provides a simple user-interface to integrate external C-code in a Simulink model. You can use the integrated C-code for unit test and measurement of Decision and Modified Decision Condition Coverage. You can reuse your model-based test-cases and retain the ability to change the parameter values for each test case. You can even debug your C-code by using a Microsoft Visual Studio for host-based simulation or Lauterbach Trace-32 debugger for target-based simulation.